All too often when searching for information on development issues in the Caribbean do we arrive at the list of results, only to discover that the latest uploaded paper, blog, news article, event notification, etc. was written in 2006 or earlier. Or when researching a particular issue concerning the Caribbean, we get sucked into a long list of documents capturing all of the … [Read more...] about Ten websites with up-to-date information on Caribbean development topics
Rihanna’s Music and Development Programming: It’s All About Motivation and Results
In an effort to strengthen project management capacity in the executing agencies and the capacity for evidence based policy making in public institutions, two training programs were initiated over the past 4 weeks: PM4R Seminar/Workshop and the Impact Evaluation seminar. The former attempted to strengthen participants’ project management knowledge, skills, attitudes and … [Read more...] about Rihanna’s Music and Development Programming: It’s All About Motivation and Results
Grenada Energy Market
Grenada: Energy Market Overview The island state of Grenada is located at the southern end of the Grenadines in the eastern Caribbean. The state’s territory encompasses the three major islands Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, as well as a number of smaller islands. Together the islands are home to a population of 110,000 people. More than 90 percent of the population … [Read more...] about Grenada Energy Market
Building Tourism links between Brazil and the Caribbean
Competition in tourism is strong and success depends on strong brands and the availability of good connection, resulting in tourism countries focusing on specific markets from where they try to attract as many visitors as possible and hinders diversification. The same is true for the Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, which have strong links with … [Read more...] about Building Tourism links between Brazil and the Caribbean
The Caribbean Private Sector: How to expand lending
“All cassava have the same skin, but all don’t taste the same way,” is a Caribbean proverb which seeks to say people may look similar on the outside yet are all quite different on the inside. The saying, which first originated in Guyana, speaks about the individuality of people, yet it also resonates with me as a development professional when thinking about the diversity of … [Read more...] about The Caribbean Private Sector: How to expand lending