The IDB, through its Cultural Center, each year holds a competition for institutions and organizations in 26 Latin American and Caribbean countries. Out of the 600 proposals received this year, 30 were selected for funding. Each proposal is to contribute to strengthening economic and social development via culture. Read more about the grants program.
In the Caribbean the following institutions were selected:
Trinidad and Tobago: Steven Edwards Productions, “Dance: Beyond the Beetham.” Steven Edwards Productions (SEP) is a non-profit organization based in Arima, Trinidad and Tobago. It was established to provide a forum for public education through theatre, targeting at-risk youth and presenting them with an alternative activity. Since its inception, Steven Edwards Productions has provided training, employment and international exposure in the arts industry for young persons’ between the ages of 12 and 35 equipping them with the tools required to positively impact society.
The Bahamas: The Indaba Project, “Restoration of traditional and historical intergenerational sites”. This project gathers oral stories of elderly women of African descent. The project provides a camp for children in traditional communities, environmental conservation and community service activities.
Guyana: Paruima Village Council, “Preserving the intangible cultural heritage of Paruima Village”. The village council and people of Paruima recognized the need for preservation of their cultural heritage is pertinent before it reaches a critical stage of no return. The need for language preservation is fundamental if the generational gap between speaking and understanding the Arecuna language is to be filled. To this end the village council has decided to facilitate classes and develop learning materials to teach the youths within the village.
Suriname: Foundation Het Forum Tolin Toli Masanga (FTTM), “Train the trainers’ theater workshop for youngsters in Brommen en Gieren”. The target of FTTM is to support story exchange between different people. The objective of this project is to encourage young people to maintain and use their own traditions and customs. The forum is to create a stage for everyone to tell their own “stories”.
Congratulations to 2014 years winners. If you wish to participate in next years’ competition contact Elba Agusti ([email protected]) at (202) 623-1239 with your interest.
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