The attraction to the Caribbean for most are the beautiful scenery, endless sunshine and resplendent white beaches. Visitors cannot seem to get enough of this tourism mecca. Last year saw the second year in a row that the Caribbean excelled ahead of the rest of the world in tourism arrivals, and the sixth consecutive year of growth for the Caribbean. Globally, tourism arrivals … [Read more...] about From Wine Resorts to Medical Tourism: Exploring Niche Tourism Opportunities in the Caribbean at the Caribbean Investment Summit
Economy & Investment
The Promise of Renewables in Grenada
Like most other island nations in the Caribbean, Grenada depends disproportionately on imported oil products to meet its energy needs. Recent small-scale efforts have met with limited success in diversifying energy by tapping into local renewable energy resources. A new publication on Grenada provides detailed information about the country’s energy mix, and we will break down … [Read more...] about The Promise of Renewables in Grenada
Making People Happy
Development is not about economic growth but rather about creating freedom, helping people flourish, and simply making them happy. This is not a new concept. The West Indies Under-19 cricket team triumphed in the World Cup earlier in the year and the senior West Indies cricket teams had outstanding victories obtaining both male and female world championships. These wins were … [Read more...] about Making People Happy
Project Management Techniques for Development Professionals
Are you involved in managing projects? Have you ever worked on an IDB financed project or think you might? If so, this course may interest you. The IDB is offering a free course on Project Management Techniques for Development Professionals. … [Read more...] about Project Management Techniques for Development Professionals
5 Steps Towards a More Sustainable Nassau
The city of Nassau is the capital and the largest city of The Bahamas. Over the past three decades, the country’s population rose by 81%, and it is precisely New Providence Island—home to the city of Nassau—the area that has experienced the largest population influx. The Greater Nassau Area offers a rich history, culture, and natural environment for the enjoyment of residents … [Read more...] about 5 Steps Towards a More Sustainable Nassau