By Pablo Pereira Dos Santos The Infrastructure Gap and MDB’s mandate It’s estimated that the infrastructure gap in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region requires an additional investment of $120 –$150 billion a year. However, given the current low levels of public investment, coupled with the fiscal challenges faced by the region and limited funding available from … [Read more...] about The Innovative Role of the PSP Facility: a Partnership for Infrastructure in Brazil
The Evolution of an App: the Story of Oincs and “Collaborative Cities”
Washington, D.C., is usually a serious place. In this city, an on-stage backflip is a rare occurrence. (Please note that I don’t mean rhetorical backflips, which are much more common.) So I was shocked when one of our guests flipped across the stage during the 2015 Demand Solutions, the IDB’s flagship event on innovation and creativity. More on that stunt shortly. For … [Read more...] about The Evolution of an App: the Story of Oincs and “Collaborative Cities”
Hovering above Haitian roads
Drones: an affordable solution for aerial imaging [gdlr_video url=""] A not so long time ago aerial mapping used to be a sophisticated, complex and very expensive tool typically used in high scale endeavors always backed by copious funds and abundant budgets. Luckily with the advent … [Read more...] about Hovering above Haitian roads
The phone call no parent should ever receive
* Julie Garner On June 10, 2007, a Sunday night, my husband and I were awakened from a deep sleep by the phone. It was Inova Fairfax, one of the premiere trauma centers on the East Coast, telling us our son had been in an accident and we needed to get there right away. At that moment, I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. I doubled over in pain. Call it … [Read more...] about The phone call no parent should ever receive
Now I’m a believer: Crowdsourced mapping
* Michel Vallée Even though I’m an engineer, I’m one of those old fashioned guys who have trouble embracing new technology. For years I kept hearing about crowdsourced mapping where universal access to open software allows people to take photos of their surroundings and use them to make maps. The result of that collaborative process involving thousands upon thousands of … [Read more...] about Now I’m a believer: Crowdsourced mapping