Moving towards the path of sustainable development is a great challenge. The Paris Agreement, the UN´s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the delivery of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (iNDCs) by 197 parties to the UN Climate Convention all require a shouldering of responsibility for addressing climate change and improving human welfare. If temperature rise is to be kept to well below 2°C by the end of this century, the time to act in now.
To ensure that by 2050, Latin America and the Caribbean will be a region that produces food securely and sustainably; with unrivaled biodiversity and highly valued natural capital; with sustainable cities designed for citizens; and economies, infrastructure and communities that are resilient to climate impacts and natural disasters, we must effectively plan and implement both policies and investments.
Acknowledging the urgent need to act the IDB Group is announcing during an event to commemorate the launch by the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate” of its study “The Sustainable Infrastructure Imperative,” one-stop shop called NDC Invest, which aims to help countries transform their climate commitments into investment plans.
Follow the conversation with @BIDcambioclima
Download all the NDC Invest material:
Hi-Muy Buen Dia
Tango una compagnia nueva de energía renovable in la costa Colombiana (SOSTA SAS)
Me gusteria compartir ideas y advancer sostenibilidad en enrgia y todo que depende de ello.
I invite all interested thinkers to come let’s get the communities and have nots get a start in the measuring, installing and use of solar (or even wind-where possible
Sincerely, Robert T kavanagh-el Rodadero
[email protected]