If we continue to consume at the current rate, in a few years we will need resources equivalent to three planets to sustain us. How can we avoid this forecast? The crisis we are facing with the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the vulnerability of the current economic system. Our recovery requires a drastic change in our production and consumption patterns for a circular model … [Read more...] about Circular economy: now or never
Environmental and Social Safeguards
Three things you need to know about the IDB’s new Environmental and Social Policy Framework
Latin America and the Caribbean have made great progress in the sustainability agenda in the last twenty years. These advances include the adoption of the Equator Principles among leading financial institutions in the region, the adoption by borrowing countries of modern labor standards in cooperation with the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the Escazú Agreement, … [Read more...] about Three things you need to know about the IDB’s new Environmental and Social Policy Framework
Assessing social impacts, do you know how?
Imagine you are working on the IDB's Flood Risk Reduction Program, a project which seeks to improve the country's resilience to climate change by reducing the risk of floods in peri-urban areas in the Andes. The program includes studies that consider the effects of climate change and, based on the results, the identification, design and execution of works to reduce risk and … [Read more...] about Assessing social impacts, do you know how?
What can a map tell us about the socio-environmental aspects of a development project?
The digital transformation has impacted all industries and sectors, allowing us to face obstacles that previously seemed insurmountable. For those of us who work in sustainable development, the use of technological tools to exchange and disseminate knowledge on a large scale has represented unimaginable potential to increase the impact of our projects. Among these tools we … [Read more...] about What can a map tell us about the socio-environmental aspects of a development project?
5 Steps to a Successful Consultation Process in the Context of COVID-19
The global pandemic caused by the spread of COVID-19 has led to millions of infections and over a million deaths so far. This pandemic has dramatically affected the lives, health, and economy of our communities and peers. At the IDB, we have gone from visiting projects and having in-person interactions with clients and stakeholders, to having to manage everything … [Read more...] about 5 Steps to a Successful Consultation Process in the Context of COVID-19