Álvaro Ugartemendia, an entrepreneur at Lácteos CDS in Argentina, has dedicated himself to grow his family business. In a matter of a few years, CDS went from producing only milk to expanding its market towards cheese and other derived products, they needed to export. To date, his company has received multiple awards and exports to different countries in the region. As in … [Read more...] about Detailed Trade Data for Market Insight and Policy Analysis
International trade
India: The next big opportunity for Latin American and Caribbean trade
[gdlr_notification icon="icon-flag" type="color-background" background="#FF8C00" color="#ffffff"]Free webinar on Essential Tips for Doing Business in India by ConnectAmericas, on April 6, will explore best practices to enter the Indian market and offer useful guidelines to navigate the export process. Register here![/gdlr_notification] India is the second most populous country … [Read more...] about India: The next big opportunity for Latin American and Caribbean trade
How did Paraguay become a champion of meat exports?
When you think of a beef export power, countries like Argentina, Australia or Brazil come to mind. Not Paraguay necessarily. In fact, very few know that in 2015, Paraguay exported $420 million more meat than Argentina, for a total of $1.3 billion, slightly below Uruguay and its total of $1.6 billion, (source: IDB's INTrade portal). Today, it is more common for a Russian to eat … [Read more...] about How did Paraguay become a champion of meat exports?
Who Would Arrive First on a Trip between Mexico and Panama: A Marathon Runner or a Truck Driver?
Don Heriberto Martinez, a 55-year-old truck driver from El Salvador, spent most of his adult life transporting goods down the Pacific corridor. The corridor is the shortest route between Mexico and Panama, where six billion dollars of commercial goods are transported every year. Martinez usually spends eight days to drive its 3,200 kilometers. On the other hand, Dennis Kimetto … [Read more...] about Who Would Arrive First on a Trip between Mexico and Panama: A Marathon Runner or a Truck Driver?
5 Data Visualization Tools in INTrade to help you get a handle on LAC trade and integration
The Western Hemisphere covers over 34 countries, each with different factor endowments and development histories, and linked by a complex "spaghetti bowl" of regional integration projects and bilateral and plurilateral trade agreements. Making sense of any one part of these is challenging, but the Integration and Trade Sector's INTrade system offers information that can help … [Read more...] about 5 Data Visualization Tools in INTrade to help you get a handle on LAC trade and integration