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Michelle Hallack

Michelle Hallack
Michelle Hallack is a senior economist responsible for the Energy Division’s knowledge agenda at the Inter-American Development Bank and she is also an Energy Policy Advisor at the Florence School of Regulation. At the IADB she works on program and policy issues across Latin America and the Caribbean. She leads the research team and coordinates the research initiatives for the Energy Sector, such as the Green Hydrogen Initiative. She is leading and co-leading new initiatives and products such as the Energy HUB, the Electrorating, and the Regional Regulatory Data Base Initiative. At FSR she is involved in teaching/training activities, she has been especially interested in developing interactive learning tools and methodologies for academic courses and professional training. Before joining the IADB, Michelle has worked for both public and private sectors around the world (including Latin American, European, and Asian countries). She has more than 15 years of experience in research and consulting on regulatory and energy economics. Some of the main results of her work has been published in scientific, professional journals, books, and blogs. In particular, she has focused on network industries' institutional design and development of new services taking into account the intersection between innovation, public policies, and regulation (tools and design). Michelle holds a Ph.D. from the University of Paris Sud XI of Economics, a M.Res from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, a European Master (EMIN), and a Diploma in Economics Sciences of the State University of Campinas.