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Martin Walter

Martin Walter
Martin is a specialist in natural resource development for the Energy Division (Infrastructure and Energy Department) at the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB). He is currently based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is responsible for coordinating and supervising projects in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru. Since joining the Bank in 2013, he supports countries in strengthening the quality of governance in the mining and energy sector and optimizing benefits and mitigating risks and negative impacts associated with the extractive industries. He leads projects aimed at enhancing stakeholder engagement and participation in policy-making, promoting transparency, revising regulatory and administrative frameworks at the national and local level, with a particular emphasis on minerals critical for the global energy transition. Prior to joining the IDB, he worked as a researcher at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNDP) and as a consultant on risk and industrial safety issues. He has published extensively on the governance of the extractive sector and natural resources in Latin America and the Caribbean. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the Institut d´Etudes Politiques de Paris (IEP-Sciences Po) and Northwestern University with a specialization in international environmental policies and water management; a Masters in Comparative Politics, specializing in Latin America (IEP-Sciences Po); and a BA in Political Science from the University of San Andres (Argentina).