For over a decade, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has been generating evidence and promoting best practices for the design, implementation and evaluation of early childhood services. Alongside the knowledge that the IDB produced through numerous studies and evaluations, its lending and technical assistance operations have contributed to strengthening the regional … [Read more...] about 10 Postcards of a Long Journey in Building the Regional Agenda for Early Childhood Development
Social Protection
Can cash transfers boost child development?
We’ve talked before about how poverty negatively impacts both early child development and brain development. Young children are shaped by the stimulation they receive, as well as the words they hear and the significant relationships they have. However, these factors vary considerably from one socioeconomic level to another. To bolster child development, we have to bring down … [Read more...] about Can cash transfers boost child development?
Preventing violence in early childhood in the context of COVID-19
In late 2021, more than 80 officials and representatives from Latin America and the Caribbean met for a dialogue on the challenges faced and the innovations developed around the issues of health, social protection, and early childhood development since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. In that Regional Policy Dialogue, we discussed extensively the subject of violence against … [Read more...] about Preventing violence in early childhood in the context of COVID-19
Why we can’t afford to let early childhood education fall through the COVID-19 cracks
This post originally appeared on UNICEF Connect’s Evidence for Action blog on 22 July 2021 A few weeks ago, after his last day at kindergarten, my son wanted to show me his portfolio. Marveling at the delightful collection of drawings, crafts, photos and teacher notes, I couldn’t believe how lucky we are that he got to experience a full year of kindergarten, in spite of … [Read more...] about Why we can’t afford to let early childhood education fall through the COVID-19 cracks
3 emerging lessons on Early Care and Education Systems from the COVID-19 pandemic
“Good afternoon: (…) greetings from the Trinidad Association of Community Homes. Personally, I have really enjoyed these spaces, they have allowed me to get away a little from the concerns of the situation (COVID-19), additionally enrich my practice, allowing me to grow and reaffirm many of my ideas about early childhood”. Beatriz, Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda, … [Read more...] about 3 emerging lessons on Early Care and Education Systems from the COVID-19 pandemic