At the beginning of the lockdown in Guatemala, due to the COVID- 19 pandemic, the staff of Juega Conmigo in Childfund faced a great challenge: How to reach families that have young children and live in remote rural communities? In a country considered within the lower connectivity cluster (lack of internet access) the solution had to be quick and reach the greatest possible … [Read more...] about The radio is still alive! And it has helped foster children´s development during the pandemic
cognitive development
Playful learning for families: the Jamaican home visiting model going to scale…in Jamaica!
The Jamaican Home Visiting intervention strengthens parents’ abilities to use responsive interactions and play to help their children develop well. The intervention has substantial benefits to children’s development and is the first early childhood stimulation program in low and middle-income countries to show long term benefits of play for adult education, income, and … [Read more...] about Playful learning for families: the Jamaican home visiting model going to scale…in Jamaica!
Why are economists so interested in ECD and what can they contribute to the field?
Traditionally, economists have focused on how to improve productivity and the ability to generate income by adult workers. But in the last two decades, the percentage of economists who work in the development of our youngest has been growing. The reason? Find out in this article. … [Read more...] about Why are economists so interested in ECD and what can they contribute to the field?
The Neuroethics of Poverty (Part one)
This post is the first part of two articles by Martha Farah about neuroscience, ethics, and poverty in relationship to childhood development. One of the strongest relations in epidemiology is between a person’s socioeconomic status (SES) and their risk of mood and anxiety disorders. In the field of psychometrics, a similarly robust relation is found between SES and … [Read more...] about The Neuroethics of Poverty (Part one)
Put on Your Oxygen Mask First: How Self-compassion Improves Child Development
I am often told by my colleagues and friends that I am too harsh on myself and that I should have more self-compassion. I used to be quite unfamiliar with this concept. Self-compassion? Isn’t this a term people use to find excuses for themselves and be self-indulgent? … [Read more...] about Put on Your Oxygen Mask First: How Self-compassion Improves Child Development