“Good afternoon: (…) greetings from the Trinidad Association of Community Homes. Personally, I have really enjoyed these spaces, they have allowed me to get away a little from the concerns of the situation (COVID-19), additionally enrich my practice, allowing me to grow and reaffirm many of my ideas about early childhood”. Beatriz, Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda, … [Read more...] about 3 emerging lessons on Early Care and Education Systems from the COVID-19 pandemic
A Year in the Life of an American Family during the Pandemic (part II)
Two weeks ago, we shared part I of this two-part series and described the findings of our study. We looked back at three overarching findings from the first year of the RAPID-EC national survey, which includes 10,707 families across all 50 states of the United States. The three findings focused on material hardships, racial inequalities, and households with children with … [Read more...] about A Year in the Life of an American Family during the Pandemic (part II)
Three reasons for prioritizing the reopening of childcare and preschools centers
Eight months have passed since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 pandemic. Since almost then, a large part of the childcare centers and preschools in Latin America and the Caribbean have been closed. According to the global tool developed by UNESCO to monitor the closure of educational centers due to the pandemic, only two countries of the … [Read more...] about Three reasons for prioritizing the reopening of childcare and preschools centers
What is your role in supporting breastfeeding?
Many of us have heard about the benefits of breastfeeding and its positive effects on the health and wellbeing of children, mothers, and their families, as well as for the environment and society as a whole. Is protecting children’s health and wellbeing important to you? Have you thought about where you fit into the warm chain of support and how you are … [Read more...] about What is your role in supporting breastfeeding?
IDB Committed to Improving Lives of Latin American Children and Mothers
COVID-19 has exposed the heavy burden on female heads of household or women responsible for caring for children or other family members. One of the main obstacles continuing to impede women’s access to labor markets is the cultural expectation on their role as caregivers. In Latin America and the Caribbean, as in other regions of the world, the work of caring for and raising … [Read more...] about IDB Committed to Improving Lives of Latin American Children and Mothers