by Lesley O’Connell I love going on field visits. It is by far one of my favorite activities as an IDB sector specialist, because it reminds me of the reality of our countries and what our programs are trying to achieve. One thing that has impressed me from my field visits in Ecuador is that in almost every remote corner I have visited there has been an early childcare … [Read more...] about Reinventing Childcare Centers in Ecuador
Breastfeeding… a luxury?
by Vannie Arrocha Morán Which country has the shortest duration of breastfeeding? Last year, the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization compared the average duration (Spanish) of breastfeeding in 21 countries throughout the region. This average represents the sum of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) and partial breastfeeding (which includes other … [Read more...] about Breastfeeding… a luxury?
Lessons from Niger
by Patrick Premand Policy discussions about early childhood development (ECD) in Latin America often raise the question of how to “go to scale.” In Africa, many policymakers also wonder how to scale-up, although the challenges tend to be even bigger. … [Read more...] about Lessons from Niger
Suriname: New Year, New Projects
by Ronald Jubitana The IDB, the Government of Suriname (GOS) and the Foundation for Human Development (FHD) signed a Technical Cooperation (TC) on 30 October 2013 to kick-start implementation of the Early Childhood Development (ECD) Program in Suriname. Evidence has shown that if children are exposed early to comprehensive child development support services, learning … [Read more...] about Suriname: New Year, New Projects
Too young for childcare?
By María Julia Acosta It’s Sunday at noon. Analía and Javier sit down to a family lunch where Mateo, their 15-month-old son, is the main attraction in the eyes of his aunts, uncles and grandparents. But this low-key lunch quickly turns into a lively debate. Are you really thinking of sending Mateo to nursery school when he’s still so little? Don’t you think the best … [Read more...] about Too young for childcare?