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Viviana Garay

Viviana Garay
Viviana is an economist who has 13 years of experience in the public sector and in multilateral organizations. Her work at the IDB focuses on supporting the achievement of BIDAcademy's goals through the development of strategic knowledge and learning alliances. She works to facilitate and identify potential synergies for the co-production, dissemination, and transfer of knowledge that would allow the Academy to expand its reach and impact. Prior to joining the Knowledge, Innovation and Communication Sector of the IDB, she was Senior Advisor to the Executive Director of the World Bank for the Southern Cone for 4 years. In addition, she was Chief of staff of the Governor of the Central Bank of Paraguay and Economist in the office of the Resident Representative of the IMF, as well as in the Undersecretary of Economy of the Ministry of Finance of Paraguay. Viviana is a Fulbright Scholar and holds two master's degrees, in Public Administration and in Economics from Syracuse University.