Opening the door of the Royal Tocarica Ballroom you will find some treasures of the Caribbean Civil Society. On May 21 2014, six Caribbean countries (The Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago) displayed materials depicting the work of civil society organizations within the region. The occassion was the One-Stop Mini Fair – an activity within IV IDB Caribbean Civil Society meeting, held at the Tocarica Hotel, Suriname.
As the participants walked through the Mini-Fair, soaking up all the rich information on display, new contacts and networks amongst civil society actors across the Caribbean were formed. The long hours of labour to set up the booths and the lack of sleep the night before the event now seemed worth it as friendships blossomed and ideas for future collaboration across the Caribbean region were born. This One-Stop Mini Fair certainly created value for all who participated … it would be interesting to see some of the results of the cross-fertilization of the ideas but …. that will be for another blog.
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