by Sudaney Blair
Tessanne Chin’s stellar performance in winning season 5 of the NBC television show “The Voice” illustrates some of the main tenets of the IDB’s cultural development policy in the Caribbean. Without a doubt, Miss Chin’s triumph will inspire many others from the Caribbean to engage their artistic abilities, and will encourage regional governments, the private sector, and civil society to invest more to promote the region’s cultural growth.
As part of its mandate to assist in the development of cultural expressions and expansion in the Caribbean, the IDB has funded projects that seek to use varied forms of artistic expression including art, music, drama, dance, storytelling and photography as a medium to promote the holistic development of Caribbean nations. The IDB’s main goal with its cultural development programs is to provide a channel through which Caribbean participants in the projects develop their artistic/expressive abilities, self-confidence, and ability to interact positively with others who do not share their living realities.
Jamaica has benefitted from a range of IDB cultural development programs such as support for the Manchester Parish Development Committee; funding for the US tour of the L’Acadco dance company in 2013; and sponsorship of some of the finest contemporary Jamaican artists in the “About Change” art exposition in Washington DC in 2011.
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