Technology is quickly transforming the way we live and work. Most transactions are digital, information is immediate. Do you remember a time without Google or smart phones? Or the last time you walked into a bank to withdraw money? Soon enough, we won’t need a telephone to communicate because communications capabilities will be built into all the other devices we use — our … [Read more...] about Wanted: Workers with digital skills
Social Systems
Bahamian Youth Leaders Visit MIT’s Media Lab and Plan a Sustainable Urban Future for Nassau
On February 1, 2018, the Sustainable Nassau Action Plan was launched under the auspices of the Inter-American Development Bank’s (IDB) Emerging and Sustainable Cities Program. The Sustainable Nassau Action Plan is the product of a three-year collaborative effort between the Office of the Prime Minister and the IDB. The Action Plan highlights four strategic areas: resiliency and … [Read more...] about Bahamian Youth Leaders Visit MIT’s Media Lab and Plan a Sustainable Urban Future for Nassau
Stackable Credentials
A single stable career is an artifact and Rolodex schooling its platform. Stackable credentials where qualifications are fitted together like Lego bricks is a new frontier. The unbundling of education content into smaller components is mimicking the music industry that once released an album of songs but now disaggregates its content- streaming single tracks across portals like … [Read more...] about Stackable Credentials
How much do workforce skills matter for innovation in the Caribbean?
Innovation levels in the Caribbean region are relatively low. On average, roughly 19 percent of Caribbean firms reported having engaged in some form of innovation in the past three years. The range varies from the lowest, at 4.8 percent of firms in Dominica, to the highest at 53 percent of firms in Guyana. A higher proportion of firms reported their intention to engage in … [Read more...] about How much do workforce skills matter for innovation in the Caribbean?
Block The Hand That Strikes Women
Latisha Bravo is one of the most recent victims of intimate partner violence to reach the front page of Jamaica's national newspapers. Her brutal murder by her boyfriend is a tragic example of the horror of intimate partner violence (IPV) that is prevalent in Jamaica. Data from the first comprehensive examination on violence against women and girls (VAWG) and intimate … [Read more...] about Block The Hand That Strikes Women