The United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) held in Montreal in December 2022 concluded with strong support for ocean conservation and biodiversity. Currently, 17% of land and 8% of marine areas are under protection and there was strong consensus on the need for effective conservation and management of at least 30% of the world’s land, coastal areas, and … [Read more...] about 4 ways for Barbados to optimize its Marine Spatial Planning
Viviana Alva-Hart

Viviana Alva-Hart
Viviana Alva Hart is the IDB Group’s Representative in Barbados since September 2021. She joined the IDB in 2008 as a Rural Development Specialist in Panama and most recently served as Chief of Operations in Argentina. In previous roles as Lead Specialist in the IDB’s Environment, Rural Development and Disaster Risk Management Division, she managed a large operational portfolio focused on agriculture and disaster risk management. Prior to joining the IDB, she spent more than 10 years in the Ministry of Agriculture in Peru, managing agricultural policy and public investment projects and serving as the Executive Director of the Support Services Program for Access to Rural Markets (PROSAAMER). She has a Master’s in Public Administration from the Instituto Ortega y Gasset at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, Spain and a first degree in Agricultural Sciences and Zootechnics from the National Agrarian University-La Molina in Lima, Peru.