Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) has made significant strides towards renewable energy and low carbon solutions. By embarking on the first utility scale renewable power generation facility, launching ‘The Roadmap for a Green Hydrogen Economy’, as well as commencing the Solar Park Project at the Piarco International Airport, the country has confirmed its commitment towards reducing … [Read more...] about The Gender and Energy Nexus: A call for inclusion in T&T’s green hydrogen industry
Irati Jimenez

Irati Jimenez
Irati Jimenez es Analista de Energía de la División de Energía del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Se especializa en energía renovables y eficiencia energética con énfasis en la resiliencia climática y la transición justa. Antes de incorporarse al BID, trabajó en el Banco Mundial como Especialista en Energía, realizando proyectos de energías verdes, sostenibles y accesibles, así como la descarbonización del sector destacando su trabajo en la región de América Latina y el Caribe y África. Es licenciada en ingeniería civil por la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), y tiene una maestría en Negocios por la UPV/EHU y una maestría en Energía Renovable y Sostenibilidad Energética con Matrícula de Honor por la Universidad de Barcelona.// Irati Jimenez is an Energy Analyst in the Energy Division of the Inter-American Development Bank. She specializes in renewable energy and energy efficiency with an emphasis on climate resilience and just transition. Prior to joining the IDB, she worked at the World Bank as an Energy Specialist, carrying out green, sustainable and affordable energy projects. She also worked on decarbonization of the energy sector, drawing on her experience in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa. She holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), a Master's degree in Business from the UPV/EHU and a Master's degree in Renewable Energy and Energy Sustainability with Honors from the University of Barcelona.