Women occupy less than half of the leadership positions in the public sector despite representing more than 50% of the population. The presence of women in leadership positions in the public sector is essential. Not only due to gender equality factors but also because there is evidence that their presence generates multiple benefits. In addition to contributing new experiences … [Read more...] about How to ensure true gender parity in the leadership of public administrations in Latin America and the Caribbean?
Maneuvering uncertainty: Nowcasting to improve decision making in a crisis
One of the most common questions in times of pandemic has been: how to cope with constant uncertainty? This is because uncertainty makes it difficult to plan our lives, to manage our finances, it makes harder to have future job prospects, and even creates mental health challenges. At the macroeconomic level, uncertainty hinders the decision-making process for governments, can … [Read more...] about Maneuvering uncertainty: Nowcasting to improve decision making in a crisis
Digitalizing public service delivery in Haiti: challenges and opportunities
Digital transformation is no longer a choice. The pandemic has highlighted disparities among countries, including their ability to adapt public service delivery in response to the unforeseen shutdown of economic activities around the world and the increased needs for governmental support by citizens. At the heart of this lies a key lesson – digital transformation is no longer a … [Read more...] about Digitalizing public service delivery in Haiti: challenges and opportunities
Good digitalization does not happen on its own: it requires good human decisions
One of the most powerful ways for Latin-America and the Caribbean (LAC) to leapfrog into the future is digital transformation. It is important to understand, however, that “transformation” is really the operative word. It is not simply about buying software or digitizing processes. Rather, digital transformation implies a profound change in the way of doing business, accessing … [Read more...] about Good digitalization does not happen on its own: it requires good human decisions