La planificación del transporte urbano se ha desarrollado tradicionalmente sobre la base de modelos que definen la demanda a partir de la movilidad observada. Estos modelos expresan esa demanda a través de los volúmenes y características del tráfico vehicular, lo cual indican que en la planificación se debe minimizar las congestiones y acelerar los desplazamientos. Pero no … [Read more...] about Esto es lo que la accesibilidad implica en el diseño de políticas urbanas
The Future of Urban Mobility
Implications for Shared Urban Mobility for Latin American Countries Transportation is arguably experiencing its most transformative revolution since the introduction of the automobile. Concerns over climate change and equity are converging with dramatic technological advances. Although these changes – including shared mobility, automation, and electrification – are rapidly … [Read more...] about The Future of Urban Mobility
Soot-free transport: Latin America is ready
In 2015, an estimated 180,000 people in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries died prematurely because of air pollution related diseases, setting a record high for the region's air pollution mortality burden. In 2005, transportation sources in LAC countries accounted for 5.5% to 17.7% of the mortality burden attributable to fine particles (PM2.5). Since then, the demand … [Read more...] about Soot-free transport: Latin America is ready
Evolution, strategies and expectations of the maritime market in Latin America. Implications and regulatory opportunities for the maritime port sector
The maritime market and port sector is experiencing profound changes in its organization (concentration of supply, strategic alliances, vertical integration between terminal operators and shipping companies) and technology (greater supply capacity of ships and ports, automation and electrification of port terminals, greater efficiency in ship propulsion, etc.). These changes … [Read more...] about Evolution, strategies and expectations of the maritime market in Latin America. Implications and regulatory opportunities for the maritime port sector
Big Data and ITS for improving the governance of road freight transport
In the area of road freight transport an increasing gap between policy formulation and the underlying policy objectives is becoming apparent. This in turn leads to undesired outcomes and can create specific challenges for the enforcement authorities (e.g. 5% enforcement rate). The current discussion on big data in transport and its promise for a move towards digital governance … [Read more...] about Big Data and ITS for improving the governance of road freight transport