The great Mesoamerica region is one of the most representative examples of regional integration processes in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC); it is comprised by the seven countries of Central America, Mexico, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic. With 226 million inhabitants and 3,115.5 million square kilometers, represents 35.8% of the total population of LAC, and 34.3% … [Read more...] about Connectivity for regional development: Lessons Learned from Mesoamerica
Nelson Salazar

Nelson Salazar
Nelson Salazar is an Associate Professor of the department of Applied Economics at the Central American University and was head of the Research and Analysis Department at the Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA). He is currently obtaining his PhD in Comparative Regional Integration at the Loyola Andalucia University of Spain. While working for SIECA, he was in charge of carrying out technical studies at border crossing points that helped launch the Customs Union between Guatemala and Honduras. As a professor he develops issues related to trade facilitation and is a strong advocate of the benefits of economic integration for developing countries.