L'acier, le ciment, les produits chimiques, le verre et les briques forment la réalité physique de notre civilisation. Nous les utilisons pour construire des maisons, des écoles, des hôpitaux, des bureaux, des routes et des digues pour réduire l'impact des catastrophes naturelles. Mais, au moment où les dirigeants mondiaux s'engagent à atteindre zéro émission nette vers 2050, … [Read more...] about Demain, l’industrie fonctionnera sans carbone – si les gouvernements agissent aujourd’hui
Chris Bataille (IDDRI)

Chris Bataille (IDDRI)
Chris Bataille has been involved in energy and climate policy analysis for more than 20 years as a researcher, energy systems and economic modeller, analyst, writer, project manager, and executive. Chris is currently an Associate Researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations in Paris, and conducts freelance energy and climate policy consulting. Chris recently completed a 1.5 year project as lead editor of a special issue of Climate Policy on the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP). He also helped manage the global DDPP and was co-author of the Canadian chapter. He is currently lead of the DDPP Heavy Industry Deep Decarbonization Project, which recently published a review paper in the Journal of Cleaner Production. He is an Adjunct Professor at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. Please Google Scholar for Chris’ publication record.