The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), through its Environmental and Social Solutions Unit, has been organizing the Regional Dialogues on Environmental and Social Policy (RPD) for over ten years. The aim of this initiative is to promote the strengthening of the region’s national environmental and social licensing and inspection systems through several priorities by promoting:
- Exchange of experiences among the agencies on specific environmental and social topics.
- Dialogue among participant countries by creating community of practice among agencies.
- Identifying international good practices for institutional strengthening.
- Operational training associated with licensing, inspection, and environmental and social compliance by Latin American and Caribbean countries.
In this context, the ongoing collaboration of the IDB with the Latin American Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network (REDLAFICA) and the Latin American Network of Environmental Impact Assessment Systems (REDLASEIA) has been significantly strengthened. These two networks have become strategic partners that enhance the RPD to serve as a platform for interrelating and strengthening of the region’s national environmental and social licensing and inspection systems. During 2023, the IDB agreed with these strategic partners on a joint action plan in multiple areas.
Preparation of Technical Notes and Development of Thematic Workshops
Through the active participation of REDLAFICA and the assignment of focal points from their institutions, a team was formed to lead the preparation of three technical notes on the following topics:
- Indigenous peoples gap analysis.
- Stakeholder participation.
- Transboundary impacts and pollution from extractive activities and conflicts.
Based on the technical notes, in November 2023, we held thematic workshops in a semi-presential approach where we presented the results, conclusions, and recommendations of each technical note. It is anticipated that the IDB will publish these technical in May 2024.

Knowledge Exchange between Partner Agencies
In 2023, two knowledge exchange experiences took place: The first, from June 20 to 23, in Manaus, Brazil, focused on interventions requiring involuntary resettlements. Twenty-five representatives from the technical and social teams of Project Executing Agencies from Paraguay and Brazil attended.
The second knowledge exchange, between the Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), REDLAFICA, and the IDB, aimed to contribute to the process of strengthening the national systems of the member countries of the Network. The exchange allowed participants to learn about EPA’s best practices regarding planning and execution, environmental sampling practices, response to environmental emergencies, and technical and legal processes, among others. Twenty-two participants from six REDLAFICA countries (Chile, Peru, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and the Dominican Republic), the United States, and the IDB took part.
Both knowledge exchange experiences were very successful and generated results that will strengthen the participating entities by being able to apply what they learned in their day-to-day activities.
Promotion, Strengthening, and Permanent Capacity Building for Environmental and Social Licensing and Inspection Agencies

In collaboration with the International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE), the US EPA, and REDLAFICA, the IDB is developing an online course on environmental and social inspection. This course will enable users to identify principles, roles, and responsibilities required to conduct environmental and social inspections according to international best practices, including those of the IDB’s Environmental and Social Policy Framework (ESPF). The course content was part of a review and adaptation process to the reality of the Latin American region by 11 REDLAFICA countries, who provided their comments and best practices on the topics developed. Initially developed in English, the online course will be launched in June 2024, with its translation into Spanish by the end of the year.
The DRP 2023 Event
Finally, in November 2023, in Mexico City, the Tenth Edition of the Regional Policy Dialogue on Environmental and Social Policy regarding Licensing and Inspection in Latin America and the Caribbean was held, organized by the IDB, along with REDLAFICA, REDLASEIA, and the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA). Approximately 60 participants from over 22 member countries attended. Other relevant international partners also participated such as The World Bank, The Environmental Protection Agency, The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the German cooperation Agency, among others.
As seen, the IDB promotes, through various initiatives and with multiple partners, the decisive participation in strengthening the region’s national environmental and social licensing and inspection systems.

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