Luis has been chosen to represent his community in negotiations with the government and a foreign company that is planning to build a big energy project on their land. On the way home from a recent meeting, he suspected that he was being followed and received messages on social media threatening to make him disappear if he continues to object to the project. Juanita works … [Read more...] about A human rights approach to development
Environmental and Social Safeguards
Reflecting on financial opportunities and governance strategies: the attractiveness of green, blue and other impact-oriented bonds
Generally speaking, assessing the attractiveness of impact-oriented bonds (IOBs), including green, blue and social impact bonds, revolves around two aspects: understanding the financial opportunity of the investment and recognizing its expected environmental and social (E&S) benefits and outcomes. Financial opportunity In principle, financial investors (FIs) may be … [Read more...] about Reflecting on financial opportunities and governance strategies: the attractiveness of green, blue and other impact-oriented bonds
Navigating through the unavoidable: responsible management of involuntary resettlement
When we design development projects, our objective is always to improve lives. Ideally, this objective can be achieved with minimal to no negative externalities. However, on occasion and even after careful consideration of the alternatives, direct or indirect adverse impacts on some groups cannot be completely avoided and must instead be responsibly managed to ensure that … [Read more...] about Navigating through the unavoidable: responsible management of involuntary resettlement
Breathe Easy: smartphone apps can reduce exposure to air pollution
A product of decades of industrialization, urbanization, and motorization, chronic severe air pollution is now a global phenomenon. Today, 90 percent of the world’s people live in places that do not meet World Health Organization (WHO) air quality standards. The consequences for human health have been grave. Each year, air pollution causes 5 to 9 million premature deaths and … [Read more...] about Breathe Easy: smartphone apps can reduce exposure to air pollution
A cautionary tale: the importance of project-level grievance mechanisms
I was born in Montreal, and I have early memories of whizzing around the city on the metro system with my mother. When I was in the first grade, we moved to a new province, to a smaller town with a slower pace, and we got around by car, foot, or bus. Living in the suburbs, I remember the fear of missing the last bus and having to take a long walk from the bus stop. This … [Read more...] about A cautionary tale: the importance of project-level grievance mechanisms