Today, Latin America and the Caribbean stand at a turning point to shape a new sustainable economy. We are presented with a momentous chance to embrace the sustainability revolution as the development opportunity of the 21st century. This journey goes beyond protecting the environment and reducing carbon emissions: it's about creating jobs, improving public health, reducing the … [Read more...] about Walking the Talk to 2024 Climate and Biodiversity Agenda
Ecosystems and Biodiversity
International Day of Forests: Guardians of the Environment and Biodiversity
Latin America and the Caribbean are invaluable havens of biodiversity in the world. They harbor the greatest diversity of species and ecosystems on the planet, a quarter of the mangrove forests, and half of the tropical forests (UNEP-WCMC, 2016; Bovarnick et al., 2010). According to FAO, the region has a total of 935.5 million hectares of forest land. Forests are true … [Read more...] about International Day of Forests: Guardians of the Environment and Biodiversity
Investing in Nature: A Holistic Approach to Biodiversity and Climate Action
In recent years, the world has witnessed a growing interest in the biodiversity and natural capital agenda and how to finance necessary action. Governments, multilateral organizations, donors, civil society, and the private sector are increasingly coming together to accelerate innovations in sustainability, climate action, and biodiversity conservation. This collaborative … [Read more...] about Investing in Nature: A Holistic Approach to Biodiversity and Climate Action
Keeping Amazonia Forever: A vibrant bioeconomy is one of our best defenses against a critical tipping point
Global concerns are mounting over deforestation and degradation that threaten to push the Amazon rainforest past a “tipping point” and turn it into a savannah. Scientists worry that die-back may already be underway in parts of the Legal Amazon in Brazil. Aware of these threats, presidents from eight Amazon countries were gathered in Belem on August 8 and 9 for a summit to … [Read more...] about Keeping Amazonia Forever: A vibrant bioeconomy is one of our best defenses against a critical tipping point
3 Projects to Celebrate International Oceans Day
International Oceans Day is a reminder of the importance of this ecosystem. The ocean covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface, generates half of the oxygen we breathe and absorbs at least a quarter of the carbon dioxide emitted by human activity. They are also a vital source of food, energy and natural resources for millions of people worldwide. However, the oceans face … [Read more...] about 3 Projects to Celebrate International Oceans Day