The International Climate Initiative of the German Government (IKI) supports projects in developing countries and emerging economies in these four areas:
- Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions
- Adapting to the impacts of climate change
- Conserving natural carbon sinks with a focus on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+)
- Conserving biological diversity
Outlines may be submitted only electronically to the e-mail of the Program Office ([email protected]) until 25 June 2014 at midnight (Central European Time, CET).
The projects are based on the needs of partner countries and supplement existing multilateral and bilateral cooperation with the German Government, and support is provided primarily through technology cooperation, policy advice and capacity development, the preparation of studies and strategies, and the implementation of measures for climate protection and conserving biodiversity.
Check this site to find out all the details of this call for proposals.
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