We often hear that the fight against climate change is one of the most urgent priorities for the region. But consider the case of Ecuador. The country is going through fiscal and social difficulties. Can countries like Ecuador attend all three fiscal, social and environmental priorities at once? While it is not an easy task, a recent IDB study suggests that carefully replacing … [Read more...] about Energy subsidy reform in Ecuador could yield social, fiscal and climate benefits
Rafael Soria

Rafael Soria
Rafael Soria is a specialist in Energy Planning, renewable energy and environment. He graduated as a mechanical engineer at the National Polytechnic School, Quito - Ecuador. He was formed as a Master and Doctor of Science in Energy Planning from the School of Engineering of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE / UFRJ) - Brazil. He completed part of his doctoral studies at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Applied Thermodynamics. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the National Polytechnic School, and teaches undergraduate, masters and doctorate classes. His research areas are: Energy Policy, Energy Economics, Energy Efficiency Technologies, Integrated Energy Planning, Energy-Environment and Society, Energy Systems Design, Climate Change Mitigation. It has 14 scientific Q1 publications, book chapters and international conferences. He has participated in consulting teams hired by IADB, Petrobras, EPE, FINEP, British Embassy, GIZ, OLADE, MEER, MAE, Bariloche Foundation, Greenpeace, etc.