In the last decade, the debate on caregiving work—its gender inequality and impact on development—has gained increasing relevance on the public policy agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean. The origin of this debate dates back to concerns about the sexual division of labor, which places an unequal share of unpaid caregiving work on women. According to ECLAC, this division … [Read more...] about Unpaid Health Care Work: A Challenge for the Region
long term care
Self-directed Care: the Benefits of Cash and Counseling
Meet Elizabeth, an 80-year-old widow with multiple chronic health conditions for years. Previously, she relied solely on her daughter Angela for unpaid assistance with personal care and household tasks. Angela lives close by and cares for Elizabeth before or after going to her job at a local supermarket and on her days off. Unfortunately, Elizabeth’s needs for assistance became … [Read more...] about Self-directed Care: the Benefits of Cash and Counseling
Which is the best country to get older in Latin America and the Caribbean?
If you are 65 years old in Panama, you can expect to live 14 additional years in good health and free of poverty. This is 9 years more than in Honduras, and 4 years above the average for Latin American and Caribbean countries. In a recent study, we calculate this measure of older persons’ quality of life for all the countries of the region. See how your country compares to the … [Read more...] about Which is the best country to get older in Latin America and the Caribbean?
Women as Caregivers: Less time, less money, more work.
Latin America and the Caribbean is the fastest-aging region in the world. People living longer is a positive development, but it brings with it more widespread care dependence—difficulty performing activities of daily living like bathing or getting dressed. We estimate that by 2050, between 27 and 35 million people in our region will need help completing these basic tasks. This … [Read more...] about Women as Caregivers: Less time, less money, more work.
Who takes care of older people in Latin America and the Caribbean?
More than 8 million older people are dependent on long-term care in Latin America and the Caribbean. These people are not able, on their own, to perform at least one basic activity of daily living, such as bathing or showering, eating, using the toilet, dressing, getting around a room, or getting in and out of bed. In this region, care dependence affects 12% of people over … [Read more...] about Who takes care of older people in Latin America and the Caribbean?