Anyone who knows the work of William Shakeaspeare in Romeo and Juliet recognizes these famous lines: “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet!” In @BIDgente we have been asking a similar question regarding Electronic Health Record systems. What happens when we give different names to the same thing? In health systems, it can be … [Read more...] about What’s in a name? Speaking the same language in digital health
Business as Unusual or Back-to-the-Future: COVID-19 and Healthcare System Integration
COVID-19 has upended health systems globally, with uncertain implications for the future of healthcare and beyond. What is certain, however, is that all healthcare systems undoubtedly face a “new normal” in their journey to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) and become more resilient to future stresses. Yet, without also addressing chronic stresses, particularly … [Read more...] about Business as Unusual or Back-to-the-Future: COVID-19 and Healthcare System Integration