The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting lives and economies. The World Bank estimates global GDP losses of US$12 trillion over 2020-2021, implying a US$500 million benefit to ending the pandemic just one month sooner. In this context, we need access to a safe and effective vaccine on a faster schedule than ever before achieved for a new disease. This will require significant … [Read more...] about 3 reasons why countries should purchase COVID-19 Vaccines at Risk
Who takes care of older people in Latin America and the Caribbean?
More than 8 million older people are dependent on long-term care in Latin America and the Caribbean. These people are not able, on their own, to perform at least one basic activity of daily living, such as bathing or showering, eating, using the toilet, dressing, getting around a room, or getting in and out of bed. In this region, care dependence affects 12% of people over … [Read more...] about Who takes care of older people in Latin America and the Caribbean?
What’s in a name? Speaking the same language in digital health
Anyone who knows the work of William Shakeaspeare in Romeo and Juliet recognizes these famous lines: “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet!” In @BIDgente we have been asking a similar question regarding Electronic Health Record systems. What happens when we give different names to the same thing? In health systems, it can be … [Read more...] about What’s in a name? Speaking the same language in digital health
61,000 parents share how school and ECD Center closings take a toll on their mental health
With the sudden halt to face-to-face education, parents across the world juggle distance and hybrid education models. In addition to being parents and often full-time employees, overnight they suddenly also became full time educators and classroom managers. The additional burden on parents comes at the cost of decreased mental health. In Latin America, the ministries of … [Read more...] about 61,000 parents share how school and ECD Center closings take a toll on their mental health
New Simulation Tool Calculates Investment Needed to Support Care-Dependent Older People.
Today is the International Day of Older Persons. The world is home to more than 1 billion people over age 60, and two years ago the global number of people over age 65 surpassed that of children under age 5 for the first time in history. These numbers confirm a clear and irreversible trend: the world is aging, and Latin America is the region currently aging the quickest. This … [Read more...] about New Simulation Tool Calculates Investment Needed to Support Care-Dependent Older People.