The Country is Certified Malaria-Free by the World Health Organization. Malaria has plagued populations all over the world for almost five thousand years, claiming millions of lives. It was endemic on all continents in the 1950’s. Since then, it has been eradicated in Europe and Northern America. Now, Mesoamerica is also heading towards elimination. Belize has just achieved … [Read more...] about Belize Further Paves the Way to Malaria Elimination in Mesoamerica with IDB Support
Rocío Medina-Bolívar

Rocío Medina-Bolívar
Rocío Medina Bolívar is the Country Manager of the Inter-American Development Bank Group in Belize. Ms. Medina Bolivar manages the IDB Group’s public and private sector in Belize that include IDB Invest and IDB Lab. Before this designation, she was the IDB Group Country Manager in Panama, Country Manager in Trinidad and Tobago, Principal Advisor for the Department of Andean Group Countries (CAN) in Washington D.C., as well as Country Manager in Venezuela. Rocío has extensive experience in public and private sector financing, particularly related to infrastructure projects, as well as capital market transactions. Ms. Medina Bolívar has held various advisory and management positions at the IDB over the past 20 years. She holds a Law Degree (Summa Cum Laude) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and an LLM from Harvard Law School.