This article is part of an effort to make the concepts of our Latin American and Caribbean Macroeconomic Report, which at first sight may seem complex, more accessible to the general public. To explain what the drop in GDP suffered by Latin America and the Caribbean in 2020 as a result of the pandemic means in practical terms, Eric Parrado, Chief Economist and General … [Read more...] about The Impact of Low Economic Growth and Inflation on Households: A Conversation with Eric Parrado, IDB Chief Economist
Lucila Pinto
Lucila Pinto es periodista y trabaja en la intersección entre ciencia, tecnología y políticas públicas. Ha liderado la creación de sitios web, visualizaciones de datos, videos y plataformas para organismos internacionales. Fue responsable de proyectos para incorporar Inteligencia Artificial de maneras éticas en las redacciones periodísticas y fellow del programa JournalismAI de London School of Economics (LSE). Lucila cursó una maestría en Ciencia Política en la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella y ha escrito columnas y artículos para La Nación y Clarín, entre otros medios de comunicación. Actualmente, Lucila se desempeña como consultora de comunicación en el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID).

Lucila Pinto
Lucila Pinto is a journalist working at the intersection of science, technology, and public policy. She has led the creation of websites, data visualizations, videos, and platforms for international organizations. She has led projects to incorporate Artificial Intelligence in ethical ways in newsrooms and was a fellow of the JournalismAI program at the London School of Economics (LSE). Lucila holds a Master's degree in Political Science from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and has written columns and articles for La Nación and Clarín, among other media outlets. Lucila currently works as a communications consultant at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).