Do you know of digital tools that can improve tax administration? This is your opportunity to share them and support development of our region!
We are seeking new digital tools that allow subnational governments in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to improve their tax administration. We aim to take advantage of and promote the potential of open code for supporting the development of technological tools of rapid adoption suitable for improving tax administration by subnational governments of LAC.
If you know of an open code digital tool that serves this purpose, participate in this call for proposals entering our site through this page. The Terms and Conditions of the Call for Proposals are available here.
The tools selected will be published on the Code for Development Platform of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to put them at the disposal of any subnational government interested in improving its tax administration. In addition, the three tools selected with the highest scores will be presented in a workshop about digital tools for subnational tax administration to be held April 4 and 5, 2018, in Washington, D.C.
What is the challenge we want to resolve with your open code digital tool?
The growing importance of subnational governments highlights the need for strengthening public administration, especially management of taxes. The adoption of new information and communication technology (ICT) can help resolve deficiencies in subnational tax administration, enabling the updating of land registries, online tax payments, supervision and accountability of accounts and transparency in the use of resources.
In this context, several national entities that support modernization of subnational administration have shown their interest in broadening their supply of digital tools that contribute to better tax collection at the local level. In particular, there is significant demand for open code digital tools that contribute to generating fiscal resources for subnational governments and that let them strengthen the relationship between taxation and services for citizens.
How to participate in the Call for Proposals
The IDB is calling for nominations from organizations or governments that have developed or utilize open code digital tools that facilitate tax administration of subnational governments.
If you want to participate, this is what you need to do:
- Identify an open code digital tool for subnational tax administration (read the Guide for Publishing Digital Tools). It is not necessary that you be the developer or user of the digital tool to nominate it.
- Go to the Code for Development page and nominate that digital tool by Sunday March 4 at 11:59 pm, Eastern Standard Time in Washington, D.C., United States. The Terms and Conditions of the Call for Proposals are available here.
- Share this call for proposals to spread the word to the greatest number of people possible.
Once the nominations have been received, we will evaluate them taking into account their technological content and their content related to tax administration. As indicated previously, and based on this evaluation, the tools to be included on the Code for Development Platform of the IDB will be selected. In addition, the representatives of the three tools that receive the highest scores will be invited to a knowledge sharing workshop at the IDB.
During this exchange, representatives of the participating entities, developers of tools and specialists of the IDB will have the opportunity to become familiar with the experiences and practices related to subnational tax administration and to plan development of the project, “Digital Solutions for Local Taxation”. The workshop will be held in Washington, D.C., on April 4 and 5, 2018.
Don’t miss this opportunity! Your digital tool can make a difference in the development of LAC.
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