Por Steven Collins* Uruguay is demonstrating that there is more to renewable energy than lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Renewable energy is a big deal inUruguay; over two-thirds of the country’s energy comes from hydropower. However, droughts in past years have left the country’s reservoirs dangerously low, and as a result, hydropower facilities have struggled to meet … [Read more...] about Winds of Change in Uruguay
Latin America
Has civil service improved in Latin America?
Despite the fact that “the science of delivery” is a hot topic these days, the truth is that we don´t know that much about its engine: the public sector workers. A recent book from the IDB sheds some light, looking at the evolution of public employment in the past ten years. The book focuses on civil Service reform (public employment in the Central Administration) in Latin … [Read more...] about Has civil service improved in Latin America?
Do We Practice Climate-Smart Agriculture?
By Nancy McCarthy* | [email protected] | Senior Researcher, Lead Analytics The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, established by the United Nations Environmental Programme and the World Meteorological Organization , in its Working Group I report, confirmed that it is extremely likely that human activity has contributed to increases in … [Read more...] about Do We Practice Climate-Smart Agriculture?
The intangible costs of domestic violence
Domestic violence is among the most pervasive types of violence in Latin America and the Caribbean, and a major challenge to public health. It is negatively linked to women’s health outcomes and children whose mothers suffered from physical violence have worse health outcomes, both in the short and the long term. Recent research from the IDB shows that domestic violence is … [Read more...] about The intangible costs of domestic violence
The Costs of Crime and Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean
By: Ana Corbacho and Carlos Scartascini * Crime and violence are major concerns in Latin America and the Caribbean. The region suffers from the highest homicide rate in the world, reaching over 25 deaths per 100,000 people in recent years, tripling the global average. The region is also affected by widespread common crime, which victimizes more than 10 percent of the … [Read more...] about The Costs of Crime and Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean