A prevailing element of discussion leading to a consensus document at the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, Korea was how to bring China, Brazil and India into the post-Busan process. Throughout the meeting, the reality of the new development architecture was showcased. That is, traditional donors are still mired in a financial crisis that has restricted … [Read more...] about What is different about development assistance? A simple show of words…
development effectiveness
In search of the lost data
An objection I usually hear when discussing with practitioners about using rigorous impact evaluation techniques is “…but these evaluations cost a lot of money”. I always answer that the cost of an evaluation does not depend on the method, but mainly on whether or not you need to collect primary data (I was glad to hear Paul Gertler responding in the same way during a recent … [Read more...] about In search of the lost data
Monitoring and evaluation systems work…only if they are used
In the last few years, demand for public program evaluations has increased in Latin America and the Caribbean. This has been accompanied by the design and implementation of reliable and timely monitoring systems, that serve as data source for keeping track of public program implementation and results. A good monitoring and evaluation system is not enough, even if it is … [Read more...] about Monitoring and evaluation systems work…only if they are used
Do we know how to improve the quality of education?
Improving the quality of education is a challenging task. Even though achieving this goal is a priority on the agenda of every country in Latin America, we do not know too much on how to get there. Rigorous evidence is scarce, and results are mixed on what works. And when effects are found, they are usually small and contingent on a number of conditions dictated by the … [Read more...] about Do we know how to improve the quality of education?
Please wash your hands and save a child
Dr. Atul Gawande in his fascinating book “Better” reports his bewilderment on the mystery on why “the meticulousness of the operating room has not spread beyond its double doors”: even after a year-long campaign in the Hospital in which he works in Boston, 30% of all doctors still did not follow standard hygiene protocols. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … [Read more...] about Please wash your hands and save a child