A few weeks ago, I published a blog post on some of the unsettling implications of this paper that suggested that some interventions lose their punch when done by public agencies. One of the takeaways was the need to “go up the bureaucratic supply chain” as nicely put by Justin Sandefur in a tweet on the post. In other words, the need to jump over the “challenge of … [Read more...] about 3 good examples of the impact of impact evaluations
Cost Benefit
10 Pitfalls in Cost Benefit Analysis
Demonstrating effectiveness is at the core of the RCT revolution (led by lab, quasi and discontinuous randomistas and followed by many of us on twitter). It is only quite recently that structural models have begun to appear that allow for reliable estimates for welfare improvements, demand curves and benefit flows. For instance, this recent study on de-worming in Kenya which … [Read more...] about 10 Pitfalls in Cost Benefit Analysis