As established in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (2015), Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) are expected to provide lending in the event of financial or economic shocks. Economists call this countercyclical lending. However, a recent study shows that while the MDB system as a whole acts countercyclically, in other words, lends less to a country during its booms and more … [Read more...] about The Challenge of Countercyclicality for Multilateral Development Banks
Beyond development effectiveness
Ready to meet the SDGs together
In aiming to improve lives and protect the planet, the Sustainable Development Goals cannot be designed with a single benefit in mind. Challenges such as civil conflict, forced displacement, environmental degradation, poverty and inequality are almost always mutually reinforcing. So are their solutions. To be effective the response must embrace economic, social and … [Read more...] about Ready to meet the SDGs together
Is your government ready for the future of work?
The uncertainty of the future of work naturally raises a number of questions. It is no wonder Argentina put it on the agenda as one of three priorities to be discussed at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires. Will its impact be the same across the globe? What jobs will be most affected? What new skillsets will be required? But above all, how can governments prepare and what role can … [Read more...] about Is your government ready for the future of work?
Filling the Infrastructure Gap in the Americas –What do people really want?
By Tracy Betts IDB-funded online survey to 33,500 internet users across the Americas reveals people’s priorities in infrastructure. … [Read more...] about Filling the Infrastructure Gap in the Americas –What do people really want?
How Do We Know if We Are Improving Lives? Multidimensional Poverty and Subjective Well-Being
The mission of the IDB is to work with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to improve the lives of their citizens. However, this process is not an exact science, so it is not always easy to ascertain whether that objective is being achieved. How can we know for certain that Bank-supported projects are helping people live more prosperously? Responding to this … [Read more...] about How Do We Know if We Are Improving Lives? Multidimensional Poverty and Subjective Well-Being