Care is a universal need. All of us have received and will receive care at some point in life: in early childhood and later in life due to aging, illness, or potential disability. However, the responsibility for providing care falls primarily on women, who in Latin America and the Caribbean account for 71% of the hours dedicated to caring for others (including both children and … [Read more...] about Care Work Is Also Work: Recognizing and Valuing Women’s Role in Care
Yyannú Cruz Aguayo
Yyannú Cruz Aguayo es Economista Senior en la División de Mercados Laborales y Seguridad Social en el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Es especialista en evaluaciones de programas sociales, y recientemente co-lidero la agenda de investigación sobre el impacto de la calidad docente en los resultados del aprendizaje en escolaridad temprana. Yyannú ha trabajado en el Banco Mundial en Washington DC., en el Banco Central de México, y en la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público en México. Es autora y co-autora de artículos académicos (en journals tales como QJE y Economic Letters) y capítulos de libros sobre la efectividad de los programas sociales y desarrollo infantil temprano, entre otros. Su enfoque en la División de Mercados laborales se centra en políticas para mejorar el acceso de poblaciones vulnerables a empleos de calidad, con especial atención a temas de género y diversidad. Yyannú tiene una Licenciatura en Economía por parte del Instituto Autónomo de México, y una Maestría y Doctorado por parte de la universidad de Maryland, College Park. Yyannú Cruz Aguayo is a Senior Economist in the Labor Markets and Social Security Division at the Inter-American Development Bank. She is a specialist in evaluations of social programs, and recently co-led the research agenda on the impact of teacher quality on learning outcomes in early schooling. Yyannú has worked at the World Bank in Washington DC., At the Central Bank of Mexico, and at the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit in Mexico. She is the author and co-author of academic articles (in journals such as QJE and Economic Letters) and book chapters on the effectiveness of social programs and early childhood development, among others. Her focus in the Labor Markets Division is on policies to improve the access of vulnerable populations to quality jobs, with special attention to gender and diversity issues. Yyannú has a BA in Economics from the Instituto Autónomo de México, and a master’s and Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College Park.

Yyannú Cruz Aguayo
Yyannú Cruz Aguayo is a Senior Specialist in the Social Protection and Labor Markets Division at the IDB. She focuses on impact evaluations of social programs and recently co-led a research agenda on the impact of teacher quality on early schooling learning outcomes. Yyannú has worked at the World Bank in Washington, D.C., as well as at Banxico and the Ministry of Finance in Mexico. She is the author and co-author of academic articles (in journals such as *QJE*) and book chapters on the effectiveness of social programs and early childhood development, among other topics. Additionally, Yyannú is currently collaborating on the development of loan instruments for the Bank’s member countries.