Torre David, Caracas Joan Clos, the Executive Director of UN-Habitat, stated in the opening of the World Urban Forum (WUF) that “the antidote to slums is planned urbanization.” This is a challenge, as figures and history tend to show. Regardless of planning, slums keep growing as people find creative ways to secure shelters and income-generating activities. To further discuss … [Read more...] about Back from the World Urban Forum: Common Ground and Urban Future
Waste pickers as service providers: Why not?
Historically, waste pickers have been perceived as a problem. Some successful experiences show that they can be part of the solution. Should we recycle? No doubt about it. Recycling yields both environmental and economic benefits, as it helps reduce waste and allows industry to reuse recyclable materials, improving the post-consumer effect of its products. … [Read more...] about Waste pickers as service providers: Why not?
O maior parque linear do mundo
Seguir a @sebalew Como você sabe, espaços verdes e qualidade de vida urbana ocupam um lugar muito relevante no nosso blog. Hoje vamos falar sobre um projeto que mostra como a gestão ambiental dos recursos naturais e a preservação dos ecossistemas vulneráveis a uma cidade também pode servir para reduzir as desigualdades sociais. … [Read more...] about O maior parque linear do mundo
Cities and climate change: Lead the way and others will follow
For thousands of years, the best way to protect your city from adversities was building a solid wall of stone around it. Raids and plunder by ill-disposed neighbors have fortunately become less frequent in most parts of the world, but the need for cities to act proactively to protect themselves has not decreased. While cities have always been exposed to the risk of extreme … [Read more...] about Cities and climate change: Lead the way and others will follow
Urban Mobility 2080
Welcome! This is the first post of a blog that will go over questions related to urban mobility. In particular those related to the future of mobility and the actions that cities and nations are taking to improve it. I deliberately chose the word mobility (over transport) to ensure that you are thinking about the actual ability to move within a city instead of just thinking … [Read more...] about Urban Mobility 2080