Guyana is aptly named “the land of many waters”. As we enter this land, the sound of a soft silence embraces us. We are entering the ancient land of the Amerindian people, who have lived here since the beginning of time. Amerindian people are quiet and incredibly gentle. They are also suspicious of foreigners. … [Read more...] about Modern housing for ancient tribes: A new home for Guyana’s Amerindians
Limpinho 3R: Quando seu lixo te deixa mais bonito
Español |Português Há momentos em que tudo que você precisa é de um empurrãozinho. Hoje em dia, ninguém em sã consciência condenaria ou evitaria reciclar seu lixo. Ainda assim, esta não é uma prática comum, ao menos não na América Latina e Caribe. De acordo com pesquisa realizada no Brasil, embora 98% das pessoas considerem a reciclagem como uma atividade importante ou … [Read more...] about Limpinho 3R: Quando seu lixo te deixa mais bonito
How to mitigate urban flooding? The case of Port of Spain
Español | Inglés Port of Spain has a big flooding problem. During the rainy season, there are great property damages, traffic disruptions and an increase of crime and violence in the city, all of which jeopardize local economic development. Check out what Port of Spain is doing along with the Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative (ESCI) to prevent and mitigate flooding … [Read more...] about How to mitigate urban flooding? The case of Port of Spain
How to measure urban sustainability—one neighborhood at a time
English | Español Recently, we attended an EcoDistricts Summit here in Washington, D.C., EcoDistrict is a nonprofit based in Portland, Oregon, with a rising number of branches around the country, and it is dedicated to spurring the creation of just, sustainable and resilient cities and neighborhoods for all. The Summit brought together over 500 academics and practitioners from … [Read more...] about How to measure urban sustainability—one neighborhood at a time
Inclusive Cities: Challenges and opportunities for the 21st century
Español // English Four experts talk about the challenges and opportunities that cities face in the 21st century to become more inclusive and sustainable: Michael Sorkin, architect and urban expert; Abha Joshi-Ghani, Director for Knowledge Exchange and Learning at the World Bank; Christopher Sabatini, Senior Director of Policy at the Americas Society/ Council of the … [Read more...] about Inclusive Cities: Challenges and opportunities for the 21st century