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Mario R Durán Ortiz

Mario R Durán Ortiz
Leading Urban Development Specialist (CSD/HUD), civil engineer from the University of Costa Rica. He completed a master's degree in Transportation Planning and Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, and a master's degree in Public Administration from Harvard University. He was awarded the 1989 National Science and Technology Prize Clodomiro Picado, in recognition of the Costa Rican government for the best original research in the field of technology. He has 40 years of professional experience in the public, private and academic sectors, including 20 years at the Inter-American Development Bank. He has worked both at the headquarters in Washington DC (8 years) and at the country offices in Brazil and the Dominican Republic (12 years), where he currently works. As an IDB specialist, he has worked in the design and supervision of the execution of highway projects, urban mobility, comprehensive improvement of neighborhoods, housing, and development.