What do climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic have in common? The pandemic, in addition to evidencing from a health perspective several of the vulnerabilities typically related to climate change, has also revealed opportunities to develop greater resilience to overcome catastrophes in our cities. It has been proven that the cities that have offered the best responses to the … [Read more...] about Building Resilience: Lessons Learned from New Orleans and Central America
Ignacio Escuder

Ignacio Escuder
Dr. Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) y Master of Science in Civil Engineering por la Universidad de Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM). Catedrático en ejercicio en la UPV, ha sido profesor visitante en la University of Maryland (USA) y en la Utah State University (USA). Es socio fundador de iPresas RISK ANALYSIS, desde la que ha desarrollado a escala internacional sistemas de gobernanza de riesgos naturales incluyendo su interacción con las principales infraestructuras civiles.