On the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, we want to get close to the metropolitan area of Lima and Callao. Here, the competent authorities are acting to tackle the shortage of water that affects to a large part of its population. This problem, although it is being worsen by the effects of climate change, has its origin in past poor water and urban … [Read more...] about How to improve urban planning and water governance by strengthening water management in cities?
Gonzalo Llosa

Gonzalo Llosa
• Biologist: University of Brasilia, Master in Marine Ecosystems: University of Paris VI. • Manager and Coordinator of projects in sustainable use of natural resources in Conservation International Peru, ProNaturaleza, International Resources Group and others • Evaluator of national and international projects by UNDP, World Bank, IDB and other institutions • General Manager of SERPAR, Municipality of Lima • Advisor to the Vice Ministry at MINAM, in charge of Oceans and Mountains issues (and Pavilion at COP 20 on Climate Change) • Coordinator of the “A Comer Pescado” Program: Vice Ministry of Fisheries, PRODUCE • Coordinator of the GEF “Sustainable Cities” project, MINAM