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Diego Arcia

Diego Arcia
Diego Arcia is an urban development expert. He is a strategic leader and sustainable project development professional with 15 years of experience. He has worked with a number of government agencies–subnational, state level, and national—as well as multilateral development banks and agencies in more than 8 countries and 50 cities in Latin America. He currently works for the Inter-American Development Bank’s Housing and Urban Development Division. Prior to joining the IDB, he served as an advisor in the Financiera de Desarrollo Territorial (FINDETER) for the Sustainable and Competitive Cities program. For four years, he worked at the IDB in Colombia on urban development and housing issues. Previously he worked as an advisor in the Ministry of Environment, Housing, and Territorial Development of Colombia, in urban development and urban regeneration programs. He was part of the team in the Department of Planning in the Municipality of Medellín in the revision and adjustment of the Plan of Territorial of that city. Diego holds a bachelor’s degree in Architecture and a specialization in Urban Design from the National University of Colombia. He is currently a PhD candidate in Sustainability and Urban Regeneration at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.