In identifying binding constraints to growth of member-countries, the IDB and many other multilateral banks have adopted the Hausmann-Rodrick-Velasco methodology. In principle the methodology is relatively straightforward: by looking at all the possible constraints to private investment--the main driver of growth of a country--in comparison to … [Read more...] about Let’s Change the Policy Dialogue in the Caribbean to One about Productivity Drivers that can be Measured
World Economic Outlook
“Let It Be”—An Economic Strategy of Benign Neglect?
Many Caribbean economies have not only been steadily declining relative to other small economies but currently face unstable macroeconomic imbalances. Hence face the need for stabilisation cum reform policy. Just like Estragon muttering “nothing to be done” in Beckett’s play one policy option, probably less painful upfront, is to wait it out. That is to wait for a world … [Read more...] about “Let It Be”—An Economic Strategy of Benign Neglect?