Call For Proposals: Financing for innovative climate change programs with the private sector
by Guest blogger, IDB
Under the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) over US$ 29 million in concessional funding have been set aside to contribute to the financing of innovative programs and projects that will engage the private sector in activities associated with reducing countries’ exposure to climate risk and uncertainty. Proposals for utilizing this second round of funds will be reviewed and selected on a competitive basis by the PPCR Sub-Committee, taking into account the recommendations of an expert group. The second round of funding will be given final approval in June 2014.
When is the deadline?
Proposals must be received by April 30th 2014.
Who can present proposals?
Private sector entities and public sector entities working through the MDB public sector arms which benefit private sector clients in PPCR participating countries, which in the case of Latin America and the Caribbean are Bolivia, Dominica, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and regional private sector organizations.
What are the requirements?
Programs and projects will be implemented through one of the CIF partners for the LAC region: the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank, including the International Finance Corporation, as proposals should must be aligned with the MDB’s programming and areas of intervention under the respective PPCR.
Parties interested in accessing these funds are encouraged to contact the MDB PPCR focal points listed below:
- Gloria Visconti, Climate Change Lead Specialist: [email protected]
- Alfred Grunwaldt, Senior Climate Change Specialist: [email protected]
- Gerard Alleng, Senior Climate Change Specialist : [email protected]
- Kanta Kumari Rigaud, Lead Environmental Specialist:[email protected]
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