The VII Seminar of the Network of Management for Development Results (GpRD in Spanish) in Subnational Governments was held between September 3-5 in the city of Asuncion, Paraguay. The seminar was targeted at subnational public entity authorities (provinces, states, departments and large cities -capitals/municipalities), academia, civil society and other important subnational social actors with a view to sharing experiences involving progress and achievements in public administration matters.
Practical experiences were presented by the protagonists -State, Province and Municipality authorities from participating countries- followed by comparative analyses of and debates on challenges and opportunities, best practices and lessons learned from each experience.
The main objective was to share and exchange experiences, best practices and lessons learnt among the governments and to acquire or deepen technical knowledge by listening to GpRD experts from the region.
This seventh seminar included the following sessions on Subnational Governments:
- Successful experiences in GpRD implementation
- Advances in Public-Private Partnerships
- Sustainability, incentive-based instruments for management
- Training and skills development
- Public investment systems and their funding in a decentralization context.
- Regional experiences involving IDB support
- The civil society and its participation in GpRD design and implementation
- Strengthening of political-technical communication
- Successful experiences in GpRD implementation in relation to sectorial level results.
Over 140 participants took part in the seminar, representing 15 countries in Latin America and 54 Subnational Governments.
The seminar was broadcast live on our webpage www.coplac-gprd-org, with over 100 daily followers.
One of the highlights closing the event was the signature of the Asuncion Statement, which, among other points, emphasized the importance that the CoPLAC-GpRD and its Subnational Governments Network have had since its creation in the year 2008, and its contribution to the debate on results-based management for Latin America and the Caribbean.
More info Katia Rivera
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