As part of its mission identifying and promoting strategic matters for the countries in our region, the IDB has carried out a study on the analogical blackout* in Andean Community countries (CAN in Spanish), which is intended to guide countries in promoting the transition and harmonizing the spectrum planning and management policies and practices.
*The Analogical Blackout is the transition from the analogical television signal to digital broadcasting. All Andean countries are going through the planning process for this transition, though they are currently at different stages of the process. Ecuador is expected to complete the transition at the end of 2017; Colombia, at the end of 2019; and Bolivia, Peru and Venezuela in 2020.
Considering the importance of the transition for Andean countries, the International Workshop Connected and Mobile: Towards the Broadband we want for the Andean Region is being organized. The workshop will be held between November 10-12, 2014 in the city of Bogota, Colombia. During the event, a presentation will be made on the results of a study on the analogical blackout in the Andean Region, including an analysis of economic, technical and regulatory aspects affecting the process in each country, with proposals for harmonization initiatives as well as a road map. The workshop will be attended by Ministerial authorities and General Directors of the Communications Sector, National Regulatory Authorities, representatives of public investment and planning entities from Andean Countries, as well as international experts.
More info Lorena Cano
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