As part of the cooperation protocol between GDI and ICS, and with the support of KNL, the Citizen Security Cluster carried out a coaching session on September 4 on how to address Violence Against Women in Citizen Security programs. Technical reports produced by GDI and ICS were presented: “Violence against women and the Criminal Justice System” and “Citizen Security and Justice: A sectorial Technical Note for the introduction of the gender equality approach”.
The presentation was attended by approximately 25 specialists from both divisions and comprised a contextualization of the VAW situation in the region, the most significant challenges facing LAC and available evidence of the effectiveness of the various programs and initiatives.
The presentation gave way to a debate which included experiences on the introduction of VAW programs within Bank projects, as well as work team challenges in the design of VAW prevention projects, and specific VAW-related areas in which the teams wish to strengthen capabilities.
On November 18, during the month for the elimination of violence against women, the conversation will take place, bringing together various perspectives on the issue in the region.
More info Norma Peña
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